Altri progetti:
2011 Glamour Calendar // 7 sins and 5 senses
Digital Photography, Photography, Retouching
WEDDING // Alessandro+Elisa
Digital Photography, Photojournalism, Retouching
Osra Adriatica // Branding
Sublimare - Luxury Apartments // Branding
2016 Calendar // Love is in the (h)air
Graphic Design, Photography, Writing
2018 CALENDAR // Nihon Vol. II
Photography, Photojournalism, Graphic Design
Child portraits // 02
Digital Photography, Photography, Retouching
2020 Calendar // Cal(t)
Illustration, Calendar, Editorial
WEDDING // Manuela+Alessandro
Digital Photography, Photography, Retouching
2014 Glamour Calendar // Portrait of Decadence
Digital Photography, Graphic Design, Retouching